Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Ghosts! Boo!

Have you ever wondered if they are real? You know ghosts!

Well, from personal experience and living in a haunted house, I have tons of experience with the paranormal and all that fun stuff.

I live in a house that was built in 1918, and has has been through a few renovations and owners. My house, when you first step inside, has funeral lights hanging on the walls and a front, glass door that was built to fit a coffin through. Yea, I know, creeeepppyy! To me though, it is the most amazing thing ever!

I remember one time, when I was about ten years old and I was up in my room falling asleep. My bed was located next to a window, so of course there was a curtain rod and curtains. All of a sudden, the curtain rod just popped off the window and fell right on top of me. I should have been scared, but at that time I was not. I just got up out of my bed and put it back up.

Another time that something weird happened was when my mother was in the bathroom one night. She was, I believe, taking a shower when she heard a huge thud. She got out and opened the door to find a bunch of books and papers scattered all over the floor. She asked my father if he had been in the office, but he said no. The creepy thing about all of this is the books and papers were on a book case to where there is no way they would have just "fallen" out. Sometimes, I here footsteps coming up my basement stairs as well.

One story that really gets to me is one that my brother has told and accused me of. There has been many nights where I will go out with my friends and come home drunk. I'll be honest! I always go straight to bed though and I never go into any other room but my own or the bathroom. Well, one morning my brother came down stairs and started jumping my ass for waking him up and standing over him in the middle of the night. This, of course, made me think he was crazy. He let it go, and we went on with the day. Well, a few nights later he said I did it again! I thought he was nuts! It has happened many times after that though, and now we realize it has to be a ghost. It kind of creeps my brother out, but he has learned to deal with it. If they have not hurt us by now, then I do not think they ever will!

One other experience that I have had was when I went cemetery hopping one night. Yes, I said cemetery hopping. I live in a very small country town, so we get very bored and like to see haunted things. So, cemeteries it is! One night my friend Kasey and I went to a small cemetery that was located right in the middle of a corn field. It looked creepy, and fun, so we decided to stop. We got out of the car and started to walk. As we approached the cemetery, we both stopped dead in our tracks. I was the first one to speak and I said, " OMG! Kasey, do you see what I see!" He of course responded "Yes!" What we saw was a man, standing right beside a tomb stone that has to of been at least 5 7' high. This man was dressed in clothing from the 1800's and was wearing a bowler hat. He was standing, staring, transparent.

It was FREAKY!

All of a sudden I felt my arm being jerked and we were running away, really, really, fast. That would have to be the scariest thing I have ever seen.

I have seen bike ghosts, forest ghosts, and other things as well. I guess ghosts just like me. =)

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